Oliver BeigeMutuality, decentralization, and credit, 150 years ago.The attempt to revolutionize finance via the disintermediation of big banks and banking the unbanked might be in the news today thanks to…Dec 27, 2020Dec 27, 2020
Oliver BeigeBlockchains as title registriesUsing blockchains as authoritative registries for land and other titles is a popular proposal, but there are multiple problems which need…May 11, 2018May 11, 2018
Oliver BeigePegcoin vs. stablecoin, a primerAn unrolled tweetstorm, originally on @ecoinomia.Jul 20, 2018Jul 20, 2018
Oliver BeigeA ballad of accounting and technologyA currency reflects the social returns of all value-creating activities for all entities (profit, non-profit, households) that choose to…Jan 20, 2019Jan 20, 2019